LEVEL 3: DONATIONS / NET REVENUE = $50,000 - $250,000



When you’re raising or netting over $50,000, you’ve already identified and overcome many obstacles that most of your fellow smaller non-profits haven't figured out yet. It’s time to keep up the good work and aim to become a $250,000 organization. 

The bad news is that what got you this far won’t get you through to the next level by itself. You’re going to face a whole new set of challenges and responsibilities, and you’re going to encounter problems that you never anticipated.

The good news is that despite what you may be thinking, you absolutely can reach and surpass $250,000 in donations or net operating revenue. 

It’s time to start looking into

  • using technology solutions to allow for better communication and management, 
  • developing a uniform set of practices and processes, and 
  • providing staff with training and support to help them handle the challenges of working in a larger organization.


How we help

  • You get an assigned fractional CEO.
  • A fractional CTO/CIO will be available to assist you with technology strategies and discussions.
  • A fractional CFO will be available to begin discussions about a financial structure.

What you need

  • If you haven't already, sign up for a Senior Member account here.
  • Need to speak with other advisors to make sure you are headed in the right direction? Sign up for a 15-minute Laser-Focus strategy session.


About us

CharitableOperations.com is a project of Business Intelligence Group CS, Inc.

509 South Chickasaw Trail #292
Orlando, FL 32825


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